Thursday, August 5, 2010

Prop 8

I know that this post is going to push a lot of buttons with people. Well since no one reads this thing and I am just doing it for myself I guess it won't push any of my buttons. However, there is a part of me that says that some day someone might stumble on this blog and become offended at the things I am going to say. To those that choose to take offence I say go fuck yourself.

For over 300 years we have been harassing people that may live differently than we do. Before we were even made a country we were executing people because a bunch of little bitches said that they thought they were in live with Lucifer. We have stopped killing people for the most part because of their differences but that hasn't stopped us from persecuting them. I may not agree with the way that everyone lives and I may not like the things about them that they were born with and can't control, but that does not give me the right to deny them any liberties that I enjoy.

In the founding documents written up by Thomas Jefferson one of the rights expected were life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.Tell me where having a different lifestyle, different skin color or different religious beliefs impose on your ability to enjoy those rights. I would think that after the history our country has of dying for that right to choose that we would remember it applies to everyone. If a homosexual part black part indian serves our country in the military when they are defending our rights, shouldn't his rights count too?

It is sad that our country is wasting time and energy on a fight that has been over for more than 100 years. No where in our constitution does it say that you have to worship the same invisible being that everyone else does. No where does it say that you have to carry the same beliefs as everyone else does. In fact, it says just the opposite. It protects the right to believe the way you want to believe. It protects the right to be born black, indian, mexican, white or whatever color you are born. I think that the people that are going around saying that gay marriage is unconsitutional need to go back through and read the constitution. We can't dictate the way people live. It was not the king of Englands right in the 1700's when we defected and it is not our right today.

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