Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well my last post got some traffic. Thank you Kev. A more condensed version has made it to a local paper as a letter to the editor. They verified it, but I am not sure if it will get printed. I hope it will.

No a warning about this post. There is some angst involved. Thus the title. It is a darker side that I seem to be revealing on here more than I do in the other world. You know the one where I am a nice person.

So ever thought about committing a near perfect rape/murder? I have. I have gone over the act in my head a million times. The victims change but the acts remain the same. Despite what you see on tv most text messages are not stored on the cell providers server. As long as you communicate through text mainly and no calls the day of the event you should do fine. You will want to make sure to make a phone call to the phone after the act. Saying something along the lines of sorry I missed you. I went to the movie without you. Make sure to plan to see a long movie. Or at least I would. That way if she tells friends and it comes back to you, you will have an alibi. Buy the tickets online that way there is a trace. Get to the theatre about 10 minuets early. Go into the theatre and buy popcorn and a drink. Get your ticket stub validated and slip out the exit. Most theatres won't be watching who comes and just leaves. Then meet up with the soon to be victim. Don't meet up at the theatre. Meet somewhere else. Take her for a drive someplace out west. Or to the desert in kamas. By this time you will need to take the phone from her. You may need a gun by they have a tendency of going off. Anyways. Make sure she can't call for help. Keep the phone have a place to stash it and destroy it other than where the crime takes place. Also wear gloves. You will also need some steel wool, a turkey baster, some bleach and some rope and a couple of cinder blocks. Don't tie her arms or legs. They will leave marks. Knock her out. You already hate her so knocking her out will do you some good. Then go ahead and rape her. I am sure that you know how to do it so I am not going to tell you how. Just make sure you don't leave any evidence. After you are done, oh and no condoms. Just more evidence. Take the steel wool and make sure you clean her. Rub her raw downstairs. You will probably ejaculate in her so that is where the turkey baster comes in. Fill it with some bleach and stick it up in her and squirt. Keep pumping her full of bleach until it comes out. Once you are done, Go ahead and tie her legs together and put her in a tarp. Make sure you cover the whole body cause she will be going in your trunk. You can choose a few places to leave her. I wouldn't leave her alive. She will point you out in a line up and Utah hates men. When you get to your chosen lake tie the other end of the rope to the cinder blocks. Then just toss her in the middle. You could drag her out there and swim her out or use a raft doesn't matter. I would suggest a raft. There are places in the middle of bear lake that no one will ever find her if she is anchored securely enough. The marine life will have some nice meals on her body while it decays. Ahh now there is missing time in your alibi. You leave the message on the phone absolving you of meeting up with her. Make sure the message indicates you were at the meeting point. Anyways. After the movie you decided to go home. Oh and for fucks sake see the damn movie another time so you know what it is about.

Man that felt good. This is all very helpful. I am sure that there are some loopholes someone will be able to find in this. But at least it provides a nice starting point to improve on.

All for now to the 1 person who reads this I hope it was enjoyable.

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