Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The nigger rule

This post is at the request of a friend of mine. I know that it has taken me a while to write this up. I have been thinking a long time about it and pushed a little thing I had planned about a mosque back to write this.

I am sure that there are those of you that know me well enough to know what this is going to be all about. I hope that it will find you with good spirits, but do not take this lightly. While the subject matter and the contents may be humorous to some, I am quite serious about these rules.

I was thinking one day about the bull shit surrounding the NAACP and affirmative action when I came up with the nigger rule. The NAACP exists to ensure that Black people get fair treatment from society. Well at least that is what they claim. But I think we all know the truth. They are around to make sure that there are specific benefits that Black people get because of the color of their skin. Affirmative action is the same way. One is a policy one is an organization. Both are there to make sure that white people are denied some things because they are white. OH SHIT SON!!!! Did he just suggest that the NAACP and Affirmative action is the next evolution of racism? I won't go as far as to say that the NAACP is like the KKK, but...... How many lives have been changed drastically and not in the best ways because white people have been denied things that they earned so an underqualified person of another skin color could advance?

While you think about that, now let me explain the real nigger rule. When a white person calls a black person a nigger, the black person just might kick the shit out of the white person. If a black person calls another black person a nigger everything is ok. Cause they are both black. So, as a fat middle aged white balding american I take it upon myself to make fun of others who are similarly afflicted. If your ass looks like a couple of pugs fighting over a piece of bacon I will be laughing at you. If there are moldy pieces of food long forgotten in the rolls of your skin, I will be mocking you for some time. If you wear a toupe to cover a bad combover, I will be laughing at you. If you are a white redneck I will laugh my ass off at you every chance I get. No, I am not a redneck but I am white. All of this has been made possible by a race of people who took a negative and degrading word placed on them by a bunch of racists and turned it into a positive and a way to discriminate against people.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Well my last post got some traffic. Thank you Kev. A more condensed version has made it to a local paper as a letter to the editor. They verified it, but I am not sure if it will get printed. I hope it will.

No a warning about this post. There is some angst involved. Thus the title. It is a darker side that I seem to be revealing on here more than I do in the other world. You know the one where I am a nice person.

So ever thought about committing a near perfect rape/murder? I have. I have gone over the act in my head a million times. The victims change but the acts remain the same. Despite what you see on tv most text messages are not stored on the cell providers server. As long as you communicate through text mainly and no calls the day of the event you should do fine. You will want to make sure to make a phone call to the phone after the act. Saying something along the lines of sorry I missed you. I went to the movie without you. Make sure to plan to see a long movie. Or at least I would. That way if she tells friends and it comes back to you, you will have an alibi. Buy the tickets online that way there is a trace. Get to the theatre about 10 minuets early. Go into the theatre and buy popcorn and a drink. Get your ticket stub validated and slip out the exit. Most theatres won't be watching who comes and just leaves. Then meet up with the soon to be victim. Don't meet up at the theatre. Meet somewhere else. Take her for a drive someplace out west. Or to the desert in kamas. By this time you will need to take the phone from her. You may need a gun by they have a tendency of going off. Anyways. Make sure she can't call for help. Keep the phone have a place to stash it and destroy it other than where the crime takes place. Also wear gloves. You will also need some steel wool, a turkey baster, some bleach and some rope and a couple of cinder blocks. Don't tie her arms or legs. They will leave marks. Knock her out. You already hate her so knocking her out will do you some good. Then go ahead and rape her. I am sure that you know how to do it so I am not going to tell you how. Just make sure you don't leave any evidence. After you are done, oh and no condoms. Just more evidence. Take the steel wool and make sure you clean her. Rub her raw downstairs. You will probably ejaculate in her so that is where the turkey baster comes in. Fill it with some bleach and stick it up in her and squirt. Keep pumping her full of bleach until it comes out. Once you are done, Go ahead and tie her legs together and put her in a tarp. Make sure you cover the whole body cause she will be going in your trunk. You can choose a few places to leave her. I wouldn't leave her alive. She will point you out in a line up and Utah hates men. When you get to your chosen lake tie the other end of the rope to the cinder blocks. Then just toss her in the middle. You could drag her out there and swim her out or use a raft doesn't matter. I would suggest a raft. There are places in the middle of bear lake that no one will ever find her if she is anchored securely enough. The marine life will have some nice meals on her body while it decays. Ahh now there is missing time in your alibi. You leave the message on the phone absolving you of meeting up with her. Make sure the message indicates you were at the meeting point. Anyways. After the movie you decided to go home. Oh and for fucks sake see the damn movie another time so you know what it is about.

Man that felt good. This is all very helpful. I am sure that there are some loopholes someone will be able to find in this. But at least it provides a nice starting point to improve on.

All for now to the 1 person who reads this I hope it was enjoyable.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Prop 8

I know that this post is going to push a lot of buttons with people. Well since no one reads this thing and I am just doing it for myself I guess it won't push any of my buttons. However, there is a part of me that says that some day someone might stumble on this blog and become offended at the things I am going to say. To those that choose to take offence I say go fuck yourself.

For over 300 years we have been harassing people that may live differently than we do. Before we were even made a country we were executing people because a bunch of little bitches said that they thought they were in live with Lucifer. We have stopped killing people for the most part because of their differences but that hasn't stopped us from persecuting them. I may not agree with the way that everyone lives and I may not like the things about them that they were born with and can't control, but that does not give me the right to deny them any liberties that I enjoy.

In the founding documents written up by Thomas Jefferson one of the rights expected were life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.Tell me where having a different lifestyle, different skin color or different religious beliefs impose on your ability to enjoy those rights. I would think that after the history our country has of dying for that right to choose that we would remember it applies to everyone. If a homosexual part black part indian serves our country in the military when they are defending our rights, shouldn't his rights count too?

It is sad that our country is wasting time and energy on a fight that has been over for more than 100 years. No where in our constitution does it say that you have to worship the same invisible being that everyone else does. No where does it say that you have to carry the same beliefs as everyone else does. In fact, it says just the opposite. It protects the right to believe the way you want to believe. It protects the right to be born black, indian, mexican, white or whatever color you are born. I think that the people that are going around saying that gay marriage is unconsitutional need to go back through and read the constitution. We can't dictate the way people live. It was not the king of Englands right in the 1700's when we defected and it is not our right today.