Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Remote desktop

Man this thing has been a pain in my ass. I get the ssh tunnel working correctly. I can do almost anything you should be able to do. Except I can't get it to work right on my Linux box. I thought things with linux were supposed to be easier. Hell I can even get into the router and control things inside of there.

There are some things in life that just aren't worth the frustration. I guess this is one of them lol. DAMN YOU KDE4 for using a shitty remote desktop application.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Would it really be all that bad?

I wonder what it would feel like to connect with his face. Feel the blood from his cut lip on my knuckles. Watch as he coughs up blood while I am kicking him in the stomach. I wonder how hard you can really kick a guy in the groin? After you smash the testes and it looks like he is about to lose consciousness is it worth it to continue? At what point does the shock that you are beating the shit out of a guy wear off and someone step in and try to stop it? Does he strike back? Am I able to catch him off guard enough and with enough force and punches that he does not have a chance to fight back? Will he fight back or run away? How long will it take me to bulk up to the point that I can pick his ass up and slam him on the concrete and have some hope of doing damage? Once I get to that point, how long will it take for me to gather up all the hatred that has been building and concentrate it all on him? What consequences am I looking at? Sure I will probably do some time. But by that time I will be bulked up enough that no one will screw with me in jail. Will I go to prison? At what point does beating the shit out of someone become a felony? Is it worth it? There is a strange comfort that comes from knowing that he will be eating the rest of his meals through a feeding tube and that any chance of a state of coitus will be gone. The only real question that remains is if she will disown me or finally divorce the loser.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Holy shit

Yes that is right. I finally got off my ass and decided to start a blog. It is not like I think I have anything interesting to say or anything that people would enjoy reading. This is just one of many of the things I am doing to stick my middle finger up at the interwebs and say look I was here. This is my own personal kilroy.

What can you as the reader hope to gain from the blog? Not a damn thing. If you gain anything from this blog I will take it down and have it deleted. I will not be responsible for contributing to the education of the people on the interwebs.

If you read something on my blog and you like it and think, "Hey I agree with that". Please let me know by written communication and I will either take down the blog, or give you permission to incorporate my ripped off ideas with your own. I would like to take this time to let people know that this blog is considered a copyrighted work. Any written transcript from this blog or copying from this blog can not be reproduced without the explicit consent of the author me.

In sort, this is my opinions and these are the facts as I see them. If you take them from me without my consent I will go biblical on your ass. Have you ever made a golden graven image of the burning and itching sensation in your secret places???? Just think about how getting that molded will feel before you take from my blog.